Chart.js plugin

Chart.js plugin included with 8 chart types. This awesome plugin is absolutely responsive and redrawing on window resize.

Great rendering performance guarantee across all modern browser, becouse it's based on html5 canvas.


The Right Way - Admin Template

Basic line chart

Simple example of line chart powered by chart.js javascript plugin.

Custom line style

Custom options for lines in line chart.

Custom point styles

You can change point style to: circle, triangle, rect, rectRounded, rectRot etc.

Custom point size

It's easy to customize point size using option pointRadius

Basic bar chart

Default bar chart powered by chart.js plugin.

Doughnut chart

Chart.js doughnut chart example.

Pie chart

Chart.js pie chart example.

Polar chart

Chart.js polar chart example.

Radar chart

Chart.js radar chart example.

Template settings

Use this panel to configure template settings and layout options.

Layout option
Header options
Navigation options
Sidepanel options
Content options