Datepicker examples

Select example

Datepicker & select

The Right Way - Admin Template


Simple and powerful date and time picker based on bootstrap.

Zero configuration example.
Dont forget to use latest moment.js with locales.
Use options viewMode to change start point.
It's easy to use two(or more) linked datetimepickers.
Use date format and viewMode option to change minimum view mode.

Date Range Picker

A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges.

Zero configuration example.
Selects only one date(basicaly default datepicker).
Selects only one date(basicaly default datepicker).

It's not important to use input field at all.
Use locale option to customize datepicker format.
Use predefined date ranges to make it more effectively.

Select2 plugin

Simple and powerful select box plugin with search and other features.

Zero configuration functionality. Enjoy.
All you need is add multiple attribute for select.
Dont forget to add empty option item.
Just type into field and you will get new option.
Also can be used in multiple select box.
Use callback createTag to modify tag creation.
Maximum 2 selections allowed.
Press clear button to remove values.
Simple example of disabled select box.

Quick usage

Predefined classes that inits select2 plugin with different functionality.

Use .select-simple to get simple select without search.

Use .select-default to get default select with search.

Use .select-clearable to get select with clear button.

Template settings

Use this panel to configure template settings and layout options.

Layout option
Header options
Navigation options
Sidepanel options
Content options